Friday, March 25, 2011


-  Cruelty to Animals for the sake of our "entertainment":  As you know, a large number of people all over the world that oppose cruelty to animals also oppose any and all kinds of animal exploitation for human entertainment.  But maybe you don’t share the view that all should be banned; maybe you believe that it’s okay for animals to be displayed at Zoos or for them to participate in some types of entertainment where you see a redeeming factor.  Maybe you draw the line at the specification: “as long as they are not being mistreated”.  Of course, that is opening a “pandora box” in terms of the complexity of the numerous possible circumstances and of the respective sorting out of what classifies as mistreatment of animals.  The truth, the way I see it, is that even in the best scenarios, more often than not animals that are used for our entertainment are deprived of their right for existing in their own natural environment, their freedom to roam and to behave in their instinctive ways; they are often also deprived of mingling with other animals of their specie, including their own natural families.  Regardless of where you draw the line, I’m sure that you will recognize different kinds of cruelty when you see it or hear about it, and I ask of you to engage in any act that may contribute to the cessation of animals being abused in any type of human entertainment.  Tragically, in addition to performing at “shows” for which animals are often subjected to torture-types of “training”, the unkind “humankind” also exploits them for gruesome and even sacrificial public exhibits of animal cruelty such as bullfights, dog-fights, cockfights and rodeos, not to mention the cowardly “sport” of hunting and fishing.  It is hard to believe that in this day and age of supposedly great “advancements” in our society, that in Spain and in Portugal thousands of people casually and routinely gather to watch the slow torture of bulls, as a “human being” methodically and slowly inflicts a large number of wounds into the animal's body with knives plunged  into their flesh, before they are finally killed, all the while being cheered by the large crowds.  Actually, I find it impossible to understand the motivation behind the fact that such large portion of the population in Spain seems to be obsessed with the perverse tormenting and torturing of bulls.  Like in all other issues of cruelty mentioned on this article, you can play a role in the betterment of treatment of animals, expressing your outrage and expectations of change to lawmakers and politicians. Luckily, in recent years, there has been some positive change, as dog and cock fights have been outlawed in many countries/states;  but, they are still allowed in many others.  If you live anywhere where they are permitted, contact lawmakers urging them to take action in banning them.

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