Friday, March 25, 2011

HELP ANIMALS "Save its Life"


If you would like to play a part in the battle against the cruelty of the fur industry, there's plenty you can do, besides not buying fur items.  Please go to the "Fur is Dead" website, and learn about little and big things that you can do to help:  click here 
It is so easy to somehow not be fully aware that by buying a fur coat (or any other garment using fur) you actually become an accomplice to cruelty to animals… Regretfully, I myself, at some time in my life wore a fur coat… Although I did not buy it myself, I am guilty of having worn a fur coat that had been given to me by a man that I loved.  Gradually, I grew more and more uncomfortable about owning the coat, and donated it to a charity benefiting the homeless. The truth is that we have been desensitized to the term "fur" and so many of us accept the term as merely a type of fabric, not fully realizing that it is the skin of a (once) living being who has been entrapped, terrorized and killed in barbaric ways in order for a fur garment to be created.  People sometimes do not realize that by buying a product they are reinforcing the need for that product to exist.  The more fur coats and fur trimmed articles are bought, the more the manufacturers will kill and abuse animals in their greedy pursuit of riches…

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